Secure Cyber Physical [SCy-Phy] Systems Week 2017
Since 2015, the Secure Cyber-Physical (SCy-Phy) Systems week is held yearly at SUTD. The event focuses on (cyber-)security for industrial control systems, general cyber-physical systems, and IoT. The SCy-Phy Systems Week encompasses the two-day Think-in event, the SUTD Security Showdown’17 (S317), and a number of invited talks and training sessions.
- 5 Jul: Slides presented by Think-in panelists can be downloaded here and here.
- 30 May: The tentative programme sheet for the SCy-Phy Systems Week 2017 is available for download here.
- 8 May: The online qualifier for the S317 event finished. Qualified teams: LosFuzzys, Lancaster/MWR, H4x0rPsch0rr, gha, Ox002147, and H4rdG4m3.
- 3 May: We are glad to announce that the Think-In keynote will be delivered by Neil Hershfield, Deputy Director, ICS-CERT. He will also join as panellist, together with Mauro Conti and Sjouke Mauw.
- 28 April: The first panellists for the Think-In event are confirmed: Jorge Cuellar, Dieter Gollmann, Gerhard Hancke, Marina Krotofil, Matthieu Lec’Hvien, and David M. Nicol.