
The workshop will focus on cyber crime, espionage, warfare, and defence. The workshop format is a mix of lectures and hand-on exercises using advanced tools to fight cyber crime. Dr David Aucsmith and Professor Yuval Elovici will jointly conduct this workshop. David and Yuval are internationally renowned experts in cyber security.

Cyber Defence Workshop
Day II: Tuesday June 23, 2015
Venue: LEET lab, Building 1, Level 6
8:30am Arrival and registration
9:00am Session 1: Design for Defence

·      Cyber crime, espionage and warfare, how we got to this mess

·      Technical challenges & opportunities

10:15am Coffee/Tea break
10:30am Session 2: Modelling and Simulation

·      Buffer Overflows and Metasploits

·      Practical exercise

12:15pm Lunch
1:30pm Session 3: Safe Control

·      Big Data Security analytics

·      Practical exercise

2:45pm Coffee/Tea break
3:00pm Session 4: Privacy and Security in IoT

·      Upcoming Things: Bridging the Air Gap, techniques and possible solutions

·      CPS – SCADA security concerns, including:

o  Aurora Generator Test

o  SHODAN Search Engine

o  Metasploit demo

o  BIOS attack, including Persistent BIOS Rootkit Implant debut at CanSecWest

o  Attacking WIFI Printer

o  Detecting unconfigured WIFI connections

4:15pm Session 5:

·      Discussion

·      Adjourn