Assistant Director
Singapore University of Technology and Design
#itrust administration

Mark has a B.Eng in Civil Engineering and an M.Eng in Environmental Science and Engineering from the National University of Singapore (NUS). He started his career at the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), managing R&D projects and programmes in shipboard technology, renewable energy and civil and structural engineering, engaging and collaborating with government agencies, industry and the academia. Other than maritime domain knowledge, he picked up a slew of networking and engagement skills that would prove useful in his future work.

After three years Mark moved on to the Ministry level to develop stakeholder engagement and partnership strategies for a diversity of stakeholders at the national level. It was there that he was given the opportunity to enhance his engagement capabilities, through the use of Design Thinking and taking on leading roles in policy design, newsletter and video production.

At iTrust, he sits at the other end of the table, securing R&D funding for cybersecurity projects and managing its critical infrastructure testbeds. He also leads the organisation of local and international cyber security events and exercises, such as the Critical Infrastructure Security Showdown, SCy-Phy Systems Week, 18th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering and the Singapore Cybersecurity R&D Conference. Mark is also the editor of the quarterly iTrust Times newsletter. While he left the shores of the maritime community, it remains close to his heart. He has jumped at the opportunity to with iTrust Co-Centre Director Prof Jianying Zhou on a couple of maritime cybersecurity projects.

In his free time, Mark tries to adhere to the Chinese saying of “游山玩水” – literally touring the mountains and waters – by going for annual trekking and diving expeditions.