Workshop on Security issues in Cyber Physical Systems (SecCPS)
1. Introduction
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are embedded systems composed of computing elements and physical processes. In the past, CPS were proprietary and not connected to the cyber space; with the advent of networked control systems to enable better operations and monitoring of the physical processes, these systems are increasingly becoming part of cyberspace. Connection to the cyber space enables effective management of public infrastructures such as public transportation, smart grid and water treatment facilities. However, these advantages come with new security challenges.
Attacks on CPS may lead to performance degradation to complete shutdown, or even equipment damage depending on the knowledge, goals and resources of the attacker. Most work in area of CPS security focus on the cyber part and attempts to ensure secure exchange of information across controllers, sensors, and actuators. The nature of security threats and attacks in a CPS is different from those found in pure cyberspace. Threat models have evolved significantly and the fact that any successful attack could be fatal – as it is more than a computer being hacked and disturbs the physical process – may result in dangerous scenarios. It is not only about the consequences of attacks but the fact that besides cyber attacks, attacks on physical devices are also possible: An adversary may add, remove or replace some physical components which may result in severe consequences. Understanding the physical part, and how it can be compromised, is essential to ensure CPS security. Thus focus ought to be on both physical and cyber domains.
SecCPS seeks novel submissions describing practical and theoretical solutions to securing CPS. Submissions may represent any application area for CPS. Hence, papers that are pertinent to the security of embedded systems, Internet of Things, SCADA Systems, Water Systems, Smart-Grid Systems, Critical Infrastructure Networks, Transportation Systems, Medical Devices etc., are welcome. Topics of interest are in the attached CFP (see below).
2. Workshop Format
The full day SecCPS workshop will include talks from the authors of accepted papers as well as invited talks from domain experts. All submissions will be reviewed by members of a Technical Program Committee. SecCPS aims to bring together individuals, experts, enthusiasts, researchers, and practitioners from academia and industry.
3. Organisers
Mauro Conti, University of Padua, Italy
Lejla Batina, Radboud University, Netherlands
Dieter Gollmann, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
4. Submission and Publication
All papers must be submitted through EasyChair, in PDF format. The workshop will be publicised in appropriate international circles, including IEEE, ACM mailing lists, EDAS, ETSI lists. Additionally, we will use professional social media to reach out to researchers in the field.
5. Important dates
Submission Deadline: Nov 14, 2016 Nov 30, 2016
Acceptance Notification: Dec 21, 2016 Dec 24, 2016
Camera Ready: Dec 30, 2016 Jan 2, 2017
Workshop Date: Jan 14, 2017
6. Call for papers
A tentative CFP is enclosed in the attachment.
7. Programme [updated 10 Jan 2017]
Please refer to the HASE programme (last page of attachment) for the workshop programme.