
The 18th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering Organising Committees

General Chairs
Raymond A. Paul, Department of Defense (Ret.)
Bojan Cukic, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Jie Xu, University of Leeds

Programme Co-Chairs
Aditya P Mathur, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Bojan Cukic, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Finance Chair
Victor Winter, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Local Arrangement Chair
Mark Goh, iTrust, Singapore University of Technology and Design

Panel Chairs
Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Kenji Yoshigoe, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Publicity Chairs
Charles Kamhoua, Information Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory
Atif Mashkoor, Software Competence Center Hagenberg

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