About CIDeX 2022
The inaugural Critical Infrastructure Defence Exercise (CIDeX) 2022 is the largest OT hands-on-keyboard Critical Infrastructure defence exercise. It provides a platform for Singapore’s cyber defenders to train together the defence of Critical Information Infrastructure (CII).
With a better insight into how the CII – comprising IT and OT networks – can suffer from cyberattacks and their adverse consequences, the blue teams can distil these lessons and tailor them to augment their respective organisations’ cyber defence and protection strategies.
CIDeX 2022’s platform has three OT testbeds contributed by iTrust — the Secure Water Treatment (SWaT), Water Distribution (WaDi) and Electric Power and Intelligent Control (EPIC) OT testbeds, integrated with an Enterprise IT network of VMs hosted within NCL.
Over 50 cyber defenders from 17 organisations representing five critical sectors — power, water, telecommunication, land transport and maritime — will form five combined blue teams to monitor and defend the CII systems over two days. A composite red team will launch a series of live simulated cyber attacks on these systems over two days, while the five blue teams will work in concert to detect and respond against the attacks.
A comprehensive 3-day pre-exercise training programme will be conducted in SAF’s Cyber Test and Evaluation Centre (CyTEC), so as to equip the blue teams with the capability and confidence to navigate through the CII platform and utilize appropriate cyber tools to monitor the platform and respond to the cyber attacks.
Exercise Documentation
Download here.
Familiarisation & Training
A comprehensive familiarisation and training session will be organised in Oct 2022 to equip the CII blue teams with the capability and confidence to navigate through the CI platform and utilise tools to monitor the platform and respond to cyber attacks. More details will follow.
Important dates (subject to changes)
Familiarisation & Training: 2 – 4 Nov 2022
CIDeX: 15 – 16 Nov 2022
- 1 Jul: 12 CII teams have signed up for CIDeX!
- 1 Jul: CIDeX 2022 info page created
Organising Committee
Exercise Director: COL Tan Shengyang
White Team Lead: ME6 William Teo
Organising Secretariats: ME5 Reuben Chng, ME4 Benedict Tan
CII Engagement Leads: ME6 William Teo, ME5 Reuben Chng
Composite Red Team Lead: ME4 Seah Chong Yee
Blue Team Leads: ME5 Eugene Tay, ME4 Ong Wee Keat, ME4 Ho Qi Ming, ME4 Jeston Goh, ME4 Loh De Cong
Green Team Lead: ME7 Liu Mun Kwong, Mr Ivan Lee
Green Team (IT) Leads: Mr Ivan Lee, Mr Seah Choon Meng
Green Team (OT) Lead: Mr Francisco Furtado
Training Leads: ME4 Gerry Goh, Mr Siddhant Shrivastava
Infrastructure and Venue Support: Mr Liu Yuancheng, Ms Hannah Oei
Please direct your queries to: cyberex@sutd.edu.sg