How to Submit?
Step 1: Download the CI.AI Submission Guide here.
This folder contains essential materials, including
- the Test_dataset.csv (the dataset for participants to test their technology),
- submission.csv (the format for participants to submit their results to iTrust), and
- Process to submit the solution.docx, which provides detailed instructions on the submission procedure for participants.
Step 2: Populate your solutions accurately into the csv document provided in the above folder.
- Please rename the files and include your Team Name. Example: submission_(your team name).csv
Step 3: Submit your solutions here: https://forms.gle/3NAXoBD2YhjwRGav8
- Note: You are required to log-in to your google account to be able to view the submission form.
- Deadline: 18 June 2024
- Results Announcement: 25 June 2024