Student Researchers Programme (SRP)

The SRP is designed to build manpower to fulfill Singapore’s needs in the area of cyber security. While several educational programs offered by the local Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) – universities and polytechnics – have a similar objective, the SRP offers a complementary opportunity for local IHL students to get trained in an environment that maintains rarely available hardware and software infrastructure.

SRP Categories
SRP will offer internships to students in all disciplines of Science and Engineering. A student researcher from an IHL will be classified into one of the following categories:

SRP-0: Freshmore (Year 1)
SRP-1: Students with advanced standing who have completed all core requirements of the university and their chosen discipline
SRP-2: We also accept IHL graduates who are yet to be employed 
SRP-3: Other IHL students who do not fall in any of the above categories

SRP Duration
The minimum duration for a student researcher is 4-weeks. There is no upper limit on the time a student researcher spends in iTrust. Each student researcher will be assigned a mentor upon entry. The mentor may change based on the evolution of activities.

Both part-time and full-time opportunities are available and subject to agreement with, and availability of a mentor. The number of hours spent per day will vary from 2 to 8 with the actual determined in consultation with the intern. 

Student researchers will receive a stipend, fixed by iTrust, during their entire period of engagement in the programme. In general:

  • For full time students the hourly stipend will follow on SUTD policy
  • For graduates with an engineering degree, the stipend will vary from $15-25/hour depending on experience
  • For graduates with a diploma in engineering, the stipend will vary from $10-20/hour depending on experience

SRP Activities
In general, activities during the internship program are categorised as follows.

Weeks 1-2: Understand the architecture of at least one iTrust testbed and learn how to operate it.
Weeks 3-4: Understand the security issues in Critical Infrastructure; familiarization with technologies for defense against cyber and cyber-physical attacks.
Weeks 5 onwards: Work plan designed in consultation with the intern and the mentor.

How to apply
Email your application to with the subject “SRP application.” Include 1-page CV that includes your educational background and a 1-page write up that answers the question “Why do I wish to be a part of the SRP?”.

For non-SUTD students, please request a signed Letter of Sponsorship from your school and email it together with the CV and write up. A template of the Letter of Sponsorship can be downloaded here.